Checkpoint Cheat Sheet

Meine persönliche Check Point Krabbelkiste.
Bitte aufpassen: Kommandos und Prozeduren sind teilweise veraltet oder müssen leicht modifiziert werden.

checkpoint KB URL, short:


Jumbo HF Identifier

Identifier for take 198:


Check ipassignment.conf syntax:
vpn ipafile_check ipassignnent.conf Detail


Gaia First Time Wizard Cli:

config_system -t 
config_system -f 

details see sk69701


export routes (SPLAT -> Gaia):
ip route show | grep via | awk '{ print "set static-route " $1 " nexthop gateway address " $3 " on" }'


Gaia: set/show interface ring buffer
set interface  rx-ringsize 
set interface  tx-ringsize 

show interface  rx-ringsize


informationen on interface bonds
cphaprob show_bond
more details: cat /proc/net/bonding/


interface migration SPLAT -> GAIA:
ip addr show | grep inet | grep eth | awk '{ print $7 " " $2}' | sed 's/\// mask-length /' | sed 's/10\./ipv4-address 10\./' | sed 's/^/set interface /' | sort -n
ip addr show | grep inet | grep eth | awk '{ print $7 }' | sed 's/^/set interface /' | sed 's/$/ state on/' | sort -n
ip addr show | grep inet | grep eth2. | awk '{ print $7 }' | sed 's/^/add interface /' | sed 's/\./ vlan /' | sort -n


SPLAT: configure SNMP:
edit communities in /etc/snmp/snmpd.users.conf
add trap receiver in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
cp_conf snmp activate (attention: cpstop/cpstart)
service snmpd start
chkconfig snmpd on
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public sysDescr.0
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public enterprises.2620.


checkpoint gaia - increase disk space:

- increase disk size in vshpere client
- login & expert mode
- fdisk /dev/sda
- delete and recreate partition /dev/sda3
- set partition type to 0x8e ("t")
- exit fdisk and reboot
- login & expert mode
- pvresize /dev/sda3
- lvresize -L +[x]G /dev/vg_splat/lv_current
- resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_current
- log file system is lv_log, procedure identical

physical machine:
- check unused disk space using pvdisplay/vgdisplay
- increase disk space:
  lvresize -L +[x]G /dev/vg_splat/lv_current
  resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_current
- if no unused disk space available, additional disks
  may be added using lvm tools
- decrease is not that easy but works sometimes
- lvm best documented at


is this a 64 bit linux?
getconf LONG_BIT


how to find a suitable bind DN?

- login to domain controller
- command prompt
- issue "dsquery user" or "dsquery user "
- example: dsquery user *ad* lists all "administrator" users


Clear Connection Table

fw tab -t connections -s (for summary)
fw tab -t connections -x (to clear)

fw tab -t fwx_alloc -s (for summary)
fw tab -t fwx_alloc -x (to clear)


switch cluster:
cphaprob -d faildev -s problem -t 0 register
cphaprob -d faildev unregister


clusterXL_admin down && clusterXL_admin up


show cpu/nic relations:
fw ctl affinity -l -v -r -a


check switchport without ping:
at firewall:
arping -q -c 1 -w 1 -U -I  
at switch:
sh mac address-table int 


Synchronisation manuell anstossen:
fw ctl setsync off
fw fullsync (Adresse des anderen Members)


pubkey auth at checkpoint firewalls:

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

ClientAliveInterval 300
UseDNS no

service sshd reload

cd ~
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
cd .ssh
vi authorized_keys
insert public key
save & exit
chmod 600 authorized_keys


changes to fwkern.conf (R75.xx):

vi $FWDIR/boot/modules/fwkern.conf



check SNMP configuration:

cluster state:
snmpwalk -v2c -c public

installed ruleset:
snmpwalk -v2c -c public


LDAP search at firewall:

ldapsearch -b DC=x,DC=y,DC=z -s sub -D CN="user cn" -w 'password' -h domain-controller CN="search string"


identify NIC hardware/interrupt:

input:  ethtool -i eth2
output: [...] bus-info: 0000:05:00.0

input:  lspci -vvv -s 0000:05:00.0
output: hardware info incl. IRQ


radius auth in Gaia:

- copy dictionary to /etc/freeradius
- /etc/freeradius/users:
	cpadmin Cleartext-Password := "abc123"
        CP-Gaia-User-Role = "adminRole", # CASE MATTERS!
        CP-Gaia-SuperUser-Access = "0"
- secret in clients.conf
- sk72940


configure LOM interfaces at CLI:

1. check at wich channel the IPMI interface is configured (shell script)

while [ $c -le 10 ]
    channels=`ipmitool lan print $c`
    echo "Channel $c $channels"
    (( c++ ))

2. show configuration

ipmitool lan print 8

3. change configuration

ipmitool lan set 8 ipsrc static
ipmitool lan set 8 ipaddr [IP address]
ipmitool lan set 8 netmask [net mask]
ipmitool lan set 8 defgw ipaddr [default gateway]

see sk93375

show LOM version: ipmitool bmc info
LOM reset: ipmitool mc reset warm

Passwort Reset:
ipmitool user list 8
ipmitool user set password 2 [passwort]